IGES or Initial Graphics Exchange Specification is an exchange file format for CAD originally published in January 1980 by United States National Bureau of Standards. IGES file format became widely adopted by commercial and government entities. Many older specifications are stored in IGES format to make sure that data could be read even if original software which was used to create CAD model is no longer available.
IGES is an ASCII text file format with each line exactly 80 characters long (this line length is an artefact from a time when computers typically displayed 80 columns of visible text). IGES file is split into 5 sections:
Start and Global sections typically contain information about the name of the file and its source.
Each entity in directory entry (D) section is represented by two lines with the following data in it:
Line 1:
Line 2:
Parameter data sections follows Directory Entry section and lists all data associated to each entity.
Below is an example of an IGES file:
SolidWorks IGES file using analytic representation for surfaces S 1
1H,,1H;,10HP65.SLDPRT,45HI:\Example.IGS, G 1
15HSolidWorks 2011,15HSolidWorks 2011,32,308,15,308,15,10HP65.SLDPRT, G 2
1.,2,2HMM,50,0.125,13H120402.093950,1E-008,499990.,8H,,11,0,13H1G 3
20402.093950; G 4
314 1 0 0 0 00000200D 1
314 0 8 1 0 0D 2
110 2 0 0 0 01010000D 3
110 0 0 1 0 0D 4
110 3 0 0 0 01010000D 5
110 0 0 1 0 0D 6
314,75.2941176470588,75.2941176470588,75.2941176470588,; 1P 1
110,0.,0.,-1011.6,0.,0.,-11.6; 3P 2
110,25.2,0.,-11.8,25.4,0.,-11.6; 5P 3
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